As soon as your order is completed with payment, we will contact our suppliers to verify that the item that you purchased is in stock in good condition and ready to ship. We will ask for pictures from the suppliers of the product you purchased immediately after it is taken off the car and returned to the location of their facility. After receipt, we will forward the images to you for review. The approval period is not more than 7 work days after the date that your order is completed as well as paid. You must review and accept the photos, if necessary in 2 work days. We will make all efforts possible to deliver the item to your specified place in 5 work days following the date that you have approved the photos. In 2 days after sending the item to you, We will notify you via the email address you supplied to us with details of your freight company and tracking details after 2 days from the time your order was shipped. In case you’ve got any queries about your purchase, don’t hesitate to contact us via:
In general, we can ship small items at the exact address of the bill of your debit or credit card. We can ship larger items (e.g. transmissions, engines, etc. ) to commercial or business addresses however, we require you to supply us with the full name of the business and address of the location. In addition, we need the name of the contact person at the address, along with their direct telephone number as well as email addresses. You have to authorize us to talk directly to the individual to confirm details that we might require periodically regarding the item and delivery. In addition, if the need for a forklift arises at the location of delivery It you are responsible to secure to pay for as well as the person who will operate it.
After the delivery of the component to you, examine the packaging of your item(s) upon arrival. If you spot any damage, it is important to note it while signing for shipping on the invoice of lading and keep a copy of it for yourself.